TRU 4th year Exhibition

“Frame of Mind”

Artist Statement

Self-reflection has always intrigued me, and I find being aware of my conscious and subconscious mind to be an exciting subject matter. As an international student, my artwork explores the outcomes of cultural and societal norms and adapting to life in the western world and its effects on mental health. Interconnecting a body of work using mediums such as video projections to create a space and atmosphere and by being in that space, the viewer will enter a visual representation of my mind. 

I turned one of my oil paintings, “Repetitive Desires”, into a video and added digital effects to create an optical illusion and projected the image of the painting rather than just hanging it on the wall can create an abstract atmosphere that people can physically be a part of and visually see the character of the environment around them. 

“DAC-YKA-DAC-YKA” is a dual video installation on adjacent walls to achieve a sense of being in two places at the same time. This is a result of a drastic change in life, from being born and raised in one place to start over a new life in a different country. The purpose of the video is to give the viewer a sense of being in-betweenness and how two worlds collide in their differences. 

The video, “Intrusive Bitch”, portrays “mouths” of different people talking and sharing their intrusive thoughts that are mostly implied and enforced by both society and various social media platforms. It is a way of confronting and mirroring their inner/negative thoughts and opinions for the viewer. In a way, it is to show that they are not the only ones who are suffering.

Through my artwork, the spectator will experience a portal to a world and a mental adventure where they will get to see frames of my mind. I want them to be a part of the installations so that they can connect and relate to the contexts.